Dredging Services

Sasforde offers specialized dredging services by performing swap reclamation, stockpiling dredging, canalization, equipment leasing and maintenance services. From management down to the equipment operators, Sasforde utilizes a hands-on approach along with industry know-how to offer client confidence on meeting deadlines, problem-solving in a cost effective manner.

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Why Choose Us

We specialize in both on-shore and off-shore delivery and our services are not limited to:

  • Shore Protection and Canalization
  • stockpiling
  • Land reclamation
  • Erosion control
  • Earth protection
  • Dredging equipment Lease

We maintain the best industry practice with regards to quality, health, safety, and environment. Our strategic approach, modern equipment, state-of-the-art technology are some of the perks that identify us as a brand to work with.

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